Accidentally Wrote For Mobile Deposit Only: Here’s What To Do!

Reading time: 4 mins

Mobile check deposits save you time by allowing you to deposit checks remotely, but if you encounter problems, you are stuck with a check with “for mobile deposit only” written on the back.

Can you still deposit the check via the bank/teller? 

Here’s What to Do if You Accidentally Wrote for Mobile Deposit Only:

Most financial institutions will allow you to deposit in person, even with “for mobile deposit only” endorsed at the back of the check. This is possible if they see that your transaction did not push through via the mobile app for whatever valid reason you may have. 

Most banks today offer apps that allow users to deposit checks with their smartphones, making mobile check deposits a convenient solution for busy individuals and business owners who prefer to avoid the hassle of visiting a bank in person.

With mobile check deposits, all you need is a clear photo of the front and back of your endorsed check. Depending on your bank’s rules, the deposit may be credited to your account within minutes or a few days.

To ensure the process goes smoothly, remember to endorse your check by signing it and writing “for mobile deposit only” beneath your signature.

For business owners, managing finances efficiently can be even more streamlined with tools like open source bookkeeping software, which helps track transactions and expenses with ease. If immediate cash flow becomes an issue, especially when waiting for deposits to clear, unsecured business loans can provide an additional cushion without the need for collateral, enabling you to maintain smooth operations. By leveraging mobile check deposits, effective bookkeeping software, and flexible financing options, you can ensure that your business’s financial management is both efficient and adaptable.

However, there are times when your transaction is rejected for mundane reasons like a blurry image or an electronic glitch. You can make another attempt after rectifying the problem for such cases.

Mobile check deposits may also be denied if the amount exceeds the predetermined limit that the bank has set. Financial institutions typically place a cap on the amount you can deposit for a given period.

You have no other option but to visit your bank or nearest ATM to facilitate the transaction.


If you endorsed your check and printed “for mobile deposit only” on the back, this can be a problem.

You should go to the bank and explain your predicament. Most tellers have no problem expediting such requests when they see that the money is not credited using the mobile app.

They may endorse the check, and you will have your funds in your account after a specific time.

A concern will be if the check is potentially being cashed twice. 

If this happens, a double payout will show up in the payor's bank account. The deed will be discovered if the check is for salary payment when the employer's payroll does not balance.

You will need to explain what transpired and return the extra pay. If proven that the transaction was done on purpose, you may even face dismissal or, worse, criminal charges. 

Should You Ever Write for a Mobile Deposit Only on a Check?

The “for mobile deposit only” is mandated for depositing checks for extra security so no one else can cash it on your behalf.

This protects the payee if unauthorized individuals pick up the check to steal funds.

Crossing out the phrase and putting your initials to subvert the initial intent is often not recognized in banks, but there are exceptions.

The “for deposit only” was enough as an endorsement for your check in the past. However, in 2018, the Federal Reserve introduced a new requirement.

Depositors must include “for mobile deposit only” below their signature on all checks deposited via mobile apps. Some banks may even recommend you to write “for mobile deposit only at (bank name).” 

If you deposited a check without “for mobile deposit only” via an app, you would receive a notification stating that your deposit was “rejected due to restrictive endorsement.”

The requirement is meant to protect banks from fraud when checks are unintentionally or deliberately presented at a bank after being deposited via mobile.

Can a Mobile “Deposit Only Check” Be Rejected at a Bank?

Yes. Your mobile deposit may be rejected for several reasons.

Checks must always be endorsed before being deposited. Failure to do so will result in a failed transaction. It would help if you remembered to affix your signature on the back of the check and write “for mobile deposit only” under it. You may also need to write your account number.

If two payees are on a check, you need to include both their signatures to endorse it correctly.

Often, mobile check deposits are rejected because the image taken is too blurry or too light to read. You can solve this by taking a clear picture of both sides of the check. Using a dark background helps.

The photo should also contain the entire check. 

If the amount you entered into the mobile app does not match that on the check, it will not be verified. The same applies when there is no payee indicated or when the name on the check is blank.


The Balance: How Mobile Check Deposit Works
Bankrate: 7 Tips To Get You Started

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Max is the founder of Knowledge Eager and has made it his mission to find and review the best online business courses. He has taken more than 20 online courses and runs a small portfolio of content websites.