Accidentally Wrote Void On A Check: Here’s What To Do!

Reading time: 7 mins

Voiding checks is easy. If you made an error while filling out the information needed, you could print VOID on the paper instead of shredding it or throwing it away.

But what if you accidentally wrote void on a check? Can you still use a voided check? Read on to find out.

Here’s What to Do if You Accidentally Wrote Void on a Check:

Once you print “void” on the check, it can no longer be used for payments. You can neither cash nor deposit it. If you are the payor, you should write a new one and file the accidentally voided check for record-keeping. If you are the payee, you should get the owner to write you a new one.

Erasing “void” is not an option since it makes the check unacceptable for clearing, even if it is countersigned by the payor.

Checks are sequentially numbered, so it is better to void them instead of shredding or destroying them right away. This is in case the owner forgets and gets a headache looking for a missing check.

The word “void” written across the front of a check indicates that it should not be accepted for payment, but it does not mean you can no longer use it.

Voided checks have a specific purpose. They make it easier for you to share banking information without fear of someone else withdrawing money from your bank account.

If you accidentally voided a check, you can still use it to set up electronic bill payments, direct deposits in payrolls, and automated clearing house (ACH). The recipient will get your information and enter it into their system.

Cashing or depositing it is just not feasible. You have to request a new one from the person paying you the check for these transactions.

If it is your check, you should write yourself a new one and not waste time thinking of what-ifs.

Does Writing Void on a Check Actually Void It?

Definitely. When you write “void” on a check, it automatically disables it, so it can no longer be used in payment transactions.

If a thief gets hold of a voided check, they cannot make it out to themselves, enter any amount, and sign it.

“Void” is typically printed in large letters, so there is no chance of it being used inadvertently. It should be tall and wide enough to cover the entire surface of the check without obscuring your banking information.

A dark pen or marker is also often used to make it difficult for thieves to remove the void mark and use it as a blank check.

With all these precautions, any attempts to erase the word “void” will likely result in the check being unacceptable for clearing.

Instead of being obstinate, you should keep or destroy the check you accidentally voided and write a new one.

Can I Cash My Check if I Wrote Void on It?

No. Once you have voided a check, it cannot be used for payments. You cannot cash it or deposit it in your bank account.

If you are the one who wrote the check, you should create a new one. If you got the check as payment from someone else, you should contact the payor and explain the situation.

There are instances where voided checks may still be cashed by the payee. If what you have in your possession is a stale-dated check, the bank may grant your request for encashment.

Stale-dated checks are payment checks issued but not cashed by the payee before the honoring period. Some businesses have “void after 90 days” pre-printed on their checks.

If you failed to cash the check before the designated date, you could still get the money. Most banks honor checks for up to 180 days, but policies vary, and it's always best to check with your bank for clarification.

The pre-printed “void after 90 days” is only intended to encourage people to cash or deposit checks sooner rather than later.

Banks can also retrieve funds from stale-dated checks after the voided period, unless the issuer specifically instructed their financial institution not to honor the check after that time frame.

With checks you accidentally voided, financial institutions are generally strict, and they will not be as lenient. If you prefer, you may talk to your bank and explain what happened, but there are no assurances that they will grant your appeal.

Can a Voided Check Be Reissued?

Yes. You can have your voided check reissued by the payor. You need to return the check to revert the funds to the originating account.

If the check issuer is your employer, this will allow them to balance their account. Once all is settled, they can replace the voided check and write you a new one.

You should never lose the voided check. Your employer may incur a bank fee to execute a stop payment, which is usually deducted from the new check drawn.

Stop payments are formal requests submitted to a financial institution to withhold or cancel a check or payment that has yet to be processed.

If you are paying via check, this should not be a problem. Reissuing should be easy. You only need to write a new one.

Meanwhile, every business has a set policy regarding stale-dated checks past the voided period of 90 days.

Many companies have no trouble reissuing a check if not more than a year or two has passed since the original date specified in the check.

You should ask your employer about the reissue policy so they may answer your concerns.


Is It Safe to Text a Picture of a Voided Check?

Yes, it is relatively safe to send a picture of a voided check via text or email as long as you take extra precautions.

Voided checks are often used to furnish banking information, including your account number, routing number, and check number, so that someone can set up an electronic link with your bank account.

You can use voided checks for direct deposits if you want your employer to pay your salary electronically. This is the simplest way to get the necessary data and ensure that they are correct.

A voided check can also be used to set up payments. This is useful if you wish to arrange an automatic electronic payment for your monthly expenses, such as rent, mortgage, and insurance.

The funds will be automatically taken from your account, depending on how you set things up. You only need to sign an agreement authorizing such transactions.

In the past, voided checks were only sent via mail or fax. If the distance between the sender and the recipient is not that great, personally delivering the check ensures that it will be received without complications.

However, due to advances in technology in the financial service sector, you can now electronically send a photo of a voided check.

If you opt to do this, you should consider additional security to avoid problems.

Whenever you give bank information to others, there is always a danger of falling into the wrong hands.

Once uploaded to a secure system, checks are immediately destroyed in conventional bank transactions. Even if they are turned into electronic facsimiles, the practice is generally safe.

However, sending checks, even voided ones, always carries some level of risk.

To enhance security, avoid sending checks as attachments in emails or texts. Instead, consider turning the photo into an encrypted file that can only be unlocked using a password you set. You can share the password securely, such as by calling the recipient or sending it via text to a secondary number.

Traditional faxing can also be safer in some cases, as it’s less prone to hacking. If you’re using online fax services, make sure they are secure.

Voided checks are helpful for providing banking information, but some alternatives work just as well. You do not have to expose your sensitive details with these.

Most banks provide counter checks upon request. These contain almost the same information as your voided check, minus your name and address. All the rest, including the bank name, routing number, and account number, are stated.

You may also request a letter from your bank that will contain all the required information. This should satisfy most requests for voided checks.


The Balance: What Is a Voided Check?
Finance Buzz: How to Void a Check — And Protect Your Bank Account

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Max is the founder of Knowledge Eager and has made it his mission to find and review the best online business courses. He has taken more than 20 online courses and runs a small portfolio of content websites.